You can be a Human Rights Defender
There are so many ways you can fight injustice, protect and defend human rights and help promote fundamental freedoms around the world.
Here are just some of the ways you can get involved today.
We love hearing your own opinions too, so please do tell us about them!
Be a Human Right Defender today.
We are working together to protect, defend and promote human rights.
What is South Sudan Human Rights Network?
South Sudan Human Rights Defenders Network (SSHRDN) is a non-profit, non-political civil society network. It is a coalition of over 60 civil society organizations and individuals working for the protection and promotion of human rights in South Sudan.
What does the Network do?
We seeks to provide protection, build the capacity of and create operational space for human rights defenders. We also seeks to promote the participation of human rights based civil society organizations to research, analyze and pursue strategic interventions through advocacy, campaign to promote and protect human rights defenders in South Sudan.
Who can join the Network?
If you defend, protect and promote human rights, you are one of us. We are a community that comprises of human rights activists and grassroots organizers, advocates, educators, researchers, journalists, public servants, students, and concerned citizens. We are united by a common dream: a just and fair society, where people can freely exercise their rights and have a say in the decisions that affect them.
Benefits of Membership
- Getting first-hand information and updates of regional and international human rights activities globally.
- Getting exposed to regional & international donor pool
- Access to hundreds of opportunities both regional and internationally i.e. trainings, fellowships, workshops, conferences etc.
- Connection to other civil society organizations around South Sudan that can help strengthen cooperation, most especially those working in the same area.
- Market to stake holders, organization’s work that can help improve their advocacy work.
- To categorize your organization based in the clusters it’s belong e.g. youth, Women’s Rights etc.